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Many college students, fortunately, incorporate exercise into their daily routine as a means of coping with stress brought on from work, school, and relationships. In occurring often enough to warrant awareness (though diagnosis can be difficult as we'll discuss in our etiology page), overtraining can occur when daily exercise is intensified partly because of the same reasons daily exercise is incorporated in the first place (e.g., social pressure and expectations) resulting prominently in academic apathy and lack of exercise motivation. On this site, you will find information about the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment for overtraining though we hope as well that you'd be able to find solace in this information, however relatable to you, so as to help you navigate the obstacles of overtraining and recalibrate the balance/harmony that exercise is used to effect in our lives. 

" Take Care of Yourself Mentally in the Presence of Others. ”

ʉۥ Simone Biles


In this interview with Jeremiah, we talk about overtraining and how it contributes to injury, motivation, and adding variation to your training regimen. 

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